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9 Places to Look For Bed Bugs

If you’ve recently discovered bed bugs in your home, you’re certainly not alone. According to Grand View Research, 89% of pest professionals stated they have encountered bed bugs in apartments and condominiums. Bed bugs can be tricky little critters to get rid of, but having a good understanding of where they like to hide is half the battle. Keep reading to learn from pest control professionals about the top places you should inspect when checking for bed bugs. With a little diligence, you can get these pests under control and protect your home!

1. Mattresses and Box Springs

These are ground zero for bed bugs. They love to hang out in the seams and tufts of mattresses and box springs where they can find plenty of food and hide from pest professionals. Be sure to inspect the entire perimeter of both your mattress and box spring, lifting and unfolding seams. Pay close attention to areas near the head and foot of the bed. Even a small infestation can escalate quickly if not addressed. Calling in professional pest control services is a smart first step.

Bed bugs often hide in the piping along the edges of mattresses, under buttons, and inside any small folds or creases. Check any labels or tags attached to your mattress, as these can provide additional hiding spots. For box springs, the fabric cover is a prime location for bed bugs to nest. Be thorough in your inspection, lifting the box spring to examine the underside and interior framework.

Using a flashlight can help you spot the small, reddish-brown bugs and their tiny white eggs. Look for dark spots of excrement or rust-colored stains from crushed bugs, as these are common signs of an infestation. Regularly vacuuming your mattress and box spring, encasing them in protective covers, and maintaining a clean sleeping area can help prevent bed bugs from taking up residence. If you suspect an infestation, immediate professional treatment is crucial to prevent the spread and ensure complete eradication.

2. Bed Frames and Upholstered Furniture

Next, shift your focus to your bed frame and any upholstered furniture nearby like couches or chairs. Bed bugs tend to move from the bed to other sites, so these are also prime real estate. Use a flashlight to peer into all cracks and crevices. Check especially around wood spindles, joints, and places where dust collects. Upholstered furniture sometimes needs to be disassembled for a proper inspection. Don’t forget cushions and mattress protectors! With patience and a keen eye, you’ll be able to spot any bed bugs that are lingering around your bed.

3. Walls and Electrical Sockets

Though they aren’t as common, bed bugs that stay on the walls near the bed and electrical sockets are worth checking for. Use a flashlight to peer inside sockets and the space between outlets and wall plates. Sometimes bed bugs will congregate in these cozy nooks and crannies. Our professionals have found that the walls themselves should be inspected within two to four feet of the bed. Lift or move wall decor and peer into crevices and joints to find any lingering bed bugs. Overall, keep an eye out for any signs of fecal staining or live bed bugs climbing on surfaces. Professional pest control services are best equipped to thoroughly check these areas.

4. Bedding and Linens

Bedding and linens harbor bed bugs too, so don’t forget to inspect yours carefully. Start by stripping the bed completely by removing sheets, blankets, and pillowcases. Feel along seams and edge folding for any bed bugs trying to hitch a ride. Check pillows by removing their cases and inspecting the tags and seams. For storage, tie sheets and pillowcases closed or place them in a hot dryer to kill any lingering bed bugs. Launder clothes and linens in the hottest water possible and dry on the highest heat setting. This will help control the spread while you contact local pest control services for treatment.

5. Behind Pictures and Wall Decor

Have you noticed any itchy bites but can’t find the source? Check meticulously behind wall hangings and picture frames near sleeping areas. The little space between the wall and the backside of the frame is a perfect hiding spot. Lift each frame or move ceramic and wood decor pieces to peek behind. Brush your hand across to feel for bed bugs and use a flashlight to get a clear view. It only takes disturbing one to discover a much bigger infestation back there. Enlisting professional pest control services to thoroughly check hidden spaces is prudent.

6. Furniture Legs and Baseboards

Inspect the bottom few inches of furniture legs and adjacent areas, plus baseboards near the bed. When populations boom, bed bugs will migrate further afield seeking food and shelter. You may find adults or egg casings stuck to cracks and crevices around furniture legs, especially near the floor. Baseboards are also prime real estate, so use a flashlight to peer into the gap where they meet the flooring material. While inconvenient, moving furniture is necessary to access these difficult-to-see places that often go overlooked. Just a few early detections can mean successful treatment with pest control services.

7. Windows, Curtains, and Blinds

It’s rare but possible for bed bugs to gain entry through windows, and the surrounding areas provide ample hiding places. Inspect window frames, window sills, window tracks, and curtains. Use a flashlight to peer into any crevices or gaps. Sometimes bed bugs will gather in these locations and hitch a ride indoors on clothing or belongings. Regular cleaning and inspecting can prevent populations from forming around your windows. Contacting professional pest control services right away for an assessment is wise if you discover any bed bugs near windows.

8. Electronic Devices and Chargers

In modern homes, it’s also worthwhile to inspect electronic devices left near sleeping areas, like phones, tablets, laptops, and charging cables. Bed bugs are adept hitchhikers and these make convenient rides indoors. Use compressed air to blow into charger ports and tightly folded areas like cable ties. Check the backsides of devices for any flattened bed bugs trying to cling on. These sneaky spots deserve a once-over, as disturbing a population can aid in pest control service treatment plans. Always practice precaution when transporting devices between infested and non-infested areas.

9. Clutter and Obstructions

Another tricky spot to inspect is any clutter, stored items, or furniture obstructing easy access around beds and common rest areas. Areas like boxes under beds, overcrowded closets, piled clothing, and furniture pushed flush invite any bed bugs to gather unchecked. Take time to move larger furniture pieces if you’re able and thoroughly sift through clutter. Carefully inspect behind, under, or within stored boxes, bins, or piles on shelves. These hard-to-reach places can harbor thriving populations that spread bugs elsewhere if they’re not addressed with treatment by professional pest control services.

Hopefully, this guide helped provide some extra insight into comprehensive bed bug inspection. Some places, like deep within mattress seams or furniture, can be missed without a thorough approach. Don’t forget to follow these steps too: monitor for signs of infestation, enact integrated pest management practices, and most importantly, contact reputable pest control services for an effective treatment plan. With diligence and professional help, you can remove bed bugs successfully. If you suspect you have bed bugs in your home, call All-State Pest & Lawn immediately for a professional treatment plan.